terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

I don't know how she does it - Meeting

Bunce had a great series of meetings this week with the institutional 1._______________ from Oakland about their retirement fund
Yes, meetings went great. Even got in a little 2._______________ while they were here. Took them to a dance show.
Interpretive. Interpretive dance show.
Nice work, Bunce. Moving on to new business. Jack Abelhammer in our New York office has sparked to a 3._______________ from this office, and he’d like to meet the author. Kick the tires, see if it’s an idea worth bringing to Harcourt. Bunce, I know how long you’ve waited for this 4._______________Keep waiting. Congratulations, Kate. You’ll be heading to New York tonight. You’ve got a 9am with Abelhammer.
5._______________ someone finally read one of your proposals.

Congrats to the B team.

Retirement fund = Fundo de aposentadoria
Even got in a little = Até entrei um pouco na 
Moving on = Passando para
Has sparked = Despertou o interesse para / deu início a
Kick the tires = Façam um teste / Chequem
Worth = Que vale a pena
Heading = Indo / Dirigindo-se
Congrats = Parabéns

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